Saturday 14 December 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.
Eat Me Too
Saturday 16 November 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.
The Pelicans are back
Saturday 19 October 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.

Foto by Alexandra Panella – fotoefornelli.com
Seasoned Seasonings
Saturday 28 September 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.
by Samuel Beckett
Friday 13 September 2013 at 20.30 h
Saturday 14 September 2013 at 20.30 h
Sunday 15 September 2013 at 15.00 h
Sin Sin Collective and Quelli di Astaroth
Vondel Park – Amsterdam
Quelli di Astaroth is part of this production of Endgame, Samuel Beckett’s darkly comic masterpiece performed in English by an international cast.
Hamm: Carlos Trafic
Clov: Roberto Bacchilega
Nagg: Claudio Sanzana
Nell: Silvia Terribili
Free Fringe Festival
Astarotheatro is part of the FreeFringeFestival 2013
Friday 6 September and Saturday 7 September 2013
Program starting at 20.30 h.
Happy-Nuts with Gabriella Sacco, Galitta Tassa, Silvia Terribili, Roberto Bacchilega
“Sing your song and be happy. Dance your dance and be happy. Play your act and be happy”. Happy-Nuts has it all.
So be compulsory happy, be content, satisfied, serene! Life is a big happy theatre. We’ll show it to you.
Too Young for Love with Gino Calenda di Tavani, Roberto Bacchilega. Masks: Jan Snijders
Our hearts are full of passion at Astarotheatro so age and gender are borderless for us all.
Europanto & Futurismo with Silvia Terribili, Roberto Bacchilega
Featuring Europanto™ as the only language that can save Europe and a Futur(Art)istic view on human activities
MusicMusicMusic Our musician friends play (around) great tunes!
Sunday 8 September 2013
Starting at 20.30 h.
Stay Human (Restiamo Umani) – The Reading Movie (2013)
22 days of bombing. More than 1200 civilians killed, 400 children. This movie features parts from the complete reading of Vittorio Arrigoni’s daily diary, the witness of a massacre in progress, unleashed by the Israeli government against the Gaza Strip’s civilians in 2008-2009.
After the movie open debate with the audience about the movie and about the importance of not exploited information, media and documentation.
Wednesday 11 September 2013
Starting at 20.30 h.
El lamento con Carlos Trafic
Un viaggio di scoperta ironico ispirato dall’Antigone di Sofocle e impregnato di Shakespeare. Questo lamento si può interpretare come una continuazione della tragedia greca Antigone. Carlos Trafic parte da questo mito e fa vedere come re Creon, zio di Antigone, diventa ossessionato dal pensiero di non morire mai. Il suo fato è quello di dover accettare la cruda verità.
El Lamento, nella sua forma tradizionale spagnola, assume qui un volto nuovo.
Lingua: olandese, inglese, spagnolo
A Loaf Of Bread!
Saturday 15th June 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation
Special for this OpenPodium:
“Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread”
A one-act play by David Ives going from minimalistic trance to text-decomposition
With: Grainne Delaney, Carlos Trafic, Silvia Terribili, Roberto Bacchilega
You loved me once!
Saturday April 20th, 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation > Once!
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.
Are these your rivers?
Friday March 22nd, 2013
‘Ho ripassato
le epoche
della mia vita
Questi sono
i miei fiumi…’
‘I have revisited
the ages
of my life
These are
my rivers’
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation > So: are these your rivers?
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.
Sisters & Flags
Saturday February 23rd, 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation > So do you want to be my sister?
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.
Saturday January 26th, 2013
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds
Crazy acts > Sense, non-sense and sensation > So now get ready for your artistic future!
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, small buffet as well.